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Original Creation

'Crimson tide' .... eaten by Liquid clear!

Voy Kay 25 Oct 2020

I painted 'Crimson tide' yesterday, and never felt good about it.

Well .... a few hours later .... this happened!

Totally ruined but a better entry for sure on the Halloween event!! 😥😥

The cause of this was too much liquid clear. I knew it when I applied it and whiped some off but .... not enough it seems now.

Not a happy accident I'm afraid, more like an unfortunate disaster. Ah well, bygones, moving forward to the next creation then!



Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Tom! I really need shoulders right now, I dare not to paint today!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

And for sinking in ideas and newly learned techniques!

I love those weeping clouds! I’m sure you can use your accidentally discovered technique in the future! 😻

This just happened to me Friday night. Came home late and tired. Decided to paint and put way too much clear. The whole time a was making mud. Had to totally scrape the whole canvas. While scraping it I used a putty knife that cut through the canvas. Long story short not only did I ruined the paint I also destroyed the canvas. U did better than me

I honestly thought you were painting rain clouds before I saw the title. If you pull down with the brush under the clouds I think you could have a very convincing rainy beach scene! Also did anyone notice the 1/2 skull cloud next to one of the weeping clouds? Looks super cool!

That is something else! 😢

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Nkav, laughing along with you here!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear JD, that might happen to me as well but only if I had too much Scotch!! 😂

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

@Lilikens, took me a while to spot but yes, there's some skul out there!
Darn, I knew I had to wait to post my entry for the Halloween event!!! 😁

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

FVG, my morning wake-ups will never be the same again!!

Talk about starting a day off on the wrong foot 🙈

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

And together with a throat inflammation!!
(I worked myself into the sweat yesterday in the garden, with a cold wind and only wearing a T-shirt! Idiot that I was!!)

Not good. Better rest today with a little scotch to aid in the healing. ☕️

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

I did better, lots of vodka (clears the throat since more pure!) and some wine with lunch!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

If I were to paint now, Van Gogh might turn green from jealousy! 🤣

😂😂😂 I hope all the medicine helps! That’s what we call it around here. 😉. Definitely best to avoid the paints at the moment!

I actually really like your weeping clouds Voy! It kind of reminds me of an end of the world move where Mother Nature goes berserk. I feel like those are giant icicles about to fall out of the sky. I feel sorry for any boaters out on that ocean right now.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Heather, as a long retired sailboat's mate myself, I also would NOT wanna be at sea under those clouds!
It's almost another Halloween picture, is it not?
Thanks for commenting and till next one!

This is wow! I still cannot comprehend how paint could do this craziness? I saw recently episodes where Bob was saying that reaction can develop over few hours, and yet he was doing this crazy mix of liquid clear with solvent. Does anybody know composition of liquid clear?

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

That consists mainly of linseed oil and solvent (distilled terpentine). I guess about 50-50.
Some painters even use only linseed oil (High quality!) iso liquid clear since that's something Bob invented to make more money. Liquid clear is NOT cheap!

What about your African paintings? What thinner did you use there?

I tried to find safety data sheet and did not have much success, but logic says if liquid clear is done with turpentine, it is better to clean brushes with turpentine if a lot of work expected on liquid clear base. There should be builders grade turpentine that should be cheap and perfect for brush cleaning, although it is stinky... ventilation will be needed.

When I get back home I will experiment with white-spirit and turpentine and will share the results.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

All Africans were done with liquid clear and most of them had a base of yellow acryl.

I agree with the smelly issue with terpentine!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

White spirit (odor less) can be used to clean brushes and for thinning paint. It might also suit for making liquid clear!

Yep, great idea.

I use a thin coat of walnut oil rather than liquid clear, I cover that with a thin coat of titanium white as my base, I find it works really well. I clean my brushes in a little grape seed oil before using the brush cleaner, I use ‘Zest it’. I have found that cleaning off the paint with oil first keeps the zestit clean and useable for a lot longer.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

I like Zest-it, used this before yet it is not cheap and very hard to find in Belgium!
Is that walnut oil and grape seed oil available at art stores only?

No, I use the edible kind from the supermarket! Walnut oil is also lovely to finish off things carved from wood.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Oh! and that really works??
Hmmm .... worth to try ..... if only our lockdown didn't start in less the three hours!!! 😡

Voy, is it a Covid lock down?

@NKav thank for great idea with oils from supermarket. I bet walnut oil can be conditioned to become artistic great. I will read about it, and check if that kind of oil is available in the stores. It is not popular here.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Yes Heather, it is and foreseen to last four to six weeks.
I am grounded ..... with only some 25 canvasses in the house!! 😥😭😢

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

@ Sunnylady, please inform me about your befindings!

Yikes Voy! They’re not nearly as strict for us in the US with the lockdowns. I mean places have to close and such, but at least where I am we’ve not had curfews or been enforced to stay home. Probably why we have so many cases though, to be honest. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Heather, thanks for your comforting words.
Yes, you could do something, send my small family a nice motivation card and that will be on our display board for months, as a motivation.
Maybe I ask too much but for sure, I'll send you a authentic Voy Kay drawing card by letter as a 'thank you' AND a motivation as well.

Please let me know (

Concerning the lockdown, we are only allowed very few and most are all life support necessities (gas, food, pet food, doctor, drug store). Only of course when we take extreme protection measures like mounthmask, distance, no cash allowed, only one person allowed per shop visit ....
Luckely, my daughter can study from home (school took measures for that) and the missus also works full time from home now. The latter meaning of course I can't paint in my office for several weeks but rather that then catching an evil virus!!

Take good care my friend, wish to hear from you very soon!


I’d love to send your family a card! I tried to email you, however my phone isn’t cooperating at the moment. I’ll figure it out later after I’ve had more sleep. Take care my friend.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

An Oscar winning reply from you Heather. Take your time, I will be around! ☺

I think it worked, finally. Let me know!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Yepp, got it!

Thank you dear, will reply to that soon! Have a great week my friend!!!

Sounds good Voy! You have a wonderful week as well.

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